Helping open-source creators build thriving, community-driven organizations

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We can help you design your open-source community strategy and bring it to life.


You want to build a bold idea based on collaboration, transparency, and participation.

But how do you open up power and reinvent your organisation in a way that doesn’t turn into chaos but instead builds greater and better things together?


We make it impossible for you to waste any human capacity.

We help you build an open organisation that engages participative communities - Both inside and out - to respond to opportunities more quickly, have access to resources and talent outside your organisation, and inspire, motivate and empower people at all levels to act with accountability.


Find ways to untap new revenue models with open source and accelerate your mission.

Innovate, build better things, and spread faster.

Mutualize your operations and the development of your tools.

Build a competitive advantage through something others can’t copy: your openness and community.

Make public investments more effective and efficient.
The European Commission found that investing 1€ in open-source multiplied its value across society between 60 and 95 times.


Because you’re missing on your most valuable opportunity: The thousands of people who want to work with you, but can't because you don't let them.

Opportunities compound exponentially when your work is made available for use in a way all creators can contribute.

Initially, you reach all the creators.

Then, with their networks, you can reach the entire world's contributions.


Our past and present clients range from public organisations looking to make their public investments or tools more impactful and effective, to fast-growing startups making a substantial impact in the modern business, technology, culture, education and design industries.  

Here are some of our select clients, and partners:


Open Source Business Strategy and Roadmaps

You have an idea full of potential but could do a lot more with the help of a community.

We help you come up with strategies and roadmaps that reinforce and accelerate your business model and mission.

Community Building Strategy

The strategy to keep a community interested.

We develop a community strategy that creates value for your organisation and nurtures your power users.

Open Scaling Frameworks

The tools to get you and your team to keep scaling with your community.

Because the work doesn’t stop, we give you and your teams the tools to keep scaling your impact with your community.

Crowdfunding Success

A crowdfunding campaign is the end of a multi-month or a multi-year effort to earn the trust and attention of your community.

Whether you’re launching your first product or looking to raise funds to fuel your growth, we help you put the necessary ingredients together.
Find More Services here >>


Open sharing and co-creation of all kinds are the natural steps in digital transformation, creativity, production, and distribution. Closed business models and innovation done in silos are things of the past.  

More than half of the world’s population has grown with the Internet and social media with a new expectation: an inalienable right to participate.

The organisations that will flourish in the future will be built by those best able to channel the participatory energy of those around them.


I’m Jaime,

After a brief stint in consulting, I realized the incredible potential openness held for our organisations and society and how abstract and nebulous it can feel to build open organisations.

That’s why I spent the last ten years immersed in open communities. I helped bring to life the Remodel program with the Danish Design Center and wrote tens of articles on Bold and Open and other publications.  

I Head-coached communities with thousands of participants in the Akimbo courses created by Seth Godin.

I helped shape the open strategy at the SNCF (French National Railways), Open Lande, and the ADEME (French Agency for the Ecological Transition), and I co-founded the Repair Café in Nice and Ouishare in Madrid.

Think you might need some help?
Send me an email at: jaime [at], and we can talk more.

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“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, each of us will have two ideas.”

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